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أضف مشاركة إلى الموضوع: هل تريد الذهاب الى المسجد الأقصى المبارك ؟


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عرض العنوان (الأحدث أولاً)

  • 01-21-2015, 07:46 PM
  • 01-21-2015, 07:46 PM
    اليوم ، موجود في غزة

    Mohammed Albeshri
    Please God, no God, dont let her hurt me God - His thumb pressed convulsively tight against the tongue of the lock, and there was a muffled snap as the bobby-pin broke. And for the first time since emerging from the total blackness which had prologued the haze, he had a thought which existed apart from whatever his current situation was.
    Please God, no God, dont let her hurt me God - His thumb pressed convulsively tight against the tongue of the lock, and there was a muffled snap as the bobby-pin broke. And for the first time since emerging from the total blackness which had prologued the haze, he had a thought which existed apart from whatever his current situation was.
    Please God, no God, dont let her hurt me God - His thumb pressed convulsively tight against the tongue of the lock, and there was a muffled snap as the bobby-pin broke. And for the first time since emerging from the total blackness which had prologued the haze, he had a thought which existed apart from whatever his current situation was.
    And for the first time since emerging from the total blackness which had prologued the haze, he had a thought which existed apart from whatever his current situation was.
    It doesnt matter, Paul, he told himself again and again in those last few days before the Royal coughed up first its t and then its e, the damned thing is almost done.
    Had he known, before this had he really known how badly she had cowed him, or how much of his essential self - the liver and lights of his spirit - she had scraped away?
    When I got to the feed store, Tony Roberts told me I better step on it if I was going to get back here before the storm hit, and I said - "How far are we from this town?
  • 01-21-2015, 07:46 PM

    هل تريد الذهاب الى المسجد الأقصى المبارك ؟

    أعرف شخص فلسطيني في خميس مشيط سألته ذات يوم
    هل أستطيع السفر الى القدس.
    قال :نعم ... وقد شاهدت سعوديين في المسجد الأقصى
    هل كانوا في بعثة رسمية، قلت له
    قال : لا
    وقال تستطيع السفر ببطاقة مُضافة مع جواز السفر من الاردن أو مصر
    والباقي ..... الخ الخ

    ما رأيكم دام فضلكم؟

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