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الموضوع: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

  1. #1
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    [font="Times New Roman"][size="5"][b]السلام عليكم ورحمه وبركاته

    أخواني ..داااااااااخل على الله ثم عليكم

    مواضيع عشوائيه ممكن تكون تعجبك اخترناها لك:

    فنادق عطلات

  2. #2
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم


    اعتقد ان الاخت جاوبتك !!! و لكن اذا ما عندك لغة ... ما بتمشي حالك ابدا لا في حياتك اليوميه ولا في دراستك !!!

    اذا الجماعة عطوك بعثة و هذا الشي جدا ممتاز ... خير و بركه...بس لو يعطونك لغة على الاقل سنة و بعدين تكمل دراستك الاكاديميه بيكون احسن

    فنادق عطلات

  3. #3
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت الصقور

    راح اجاوبك بس بعدين راح انقل موضوعك لبوابة البعثات ...

    اذا بتروح بعثه لازم تختار من لستة الجامعات المعترف فيها من قبل التعليم العالي ، بتلقاها في الموقع تبعهم ... بعدين على اساسها راح تختار الجامعه و بنساعدك بخصوص معلومات عن المدينه ... و بالنسبه لتخصصك فهو متوفر في معظم الجامعات ما عندك مشكله .... المشكله انه فيه اختبار ثاني غير التوفل .. الجيمات Gmat ... يعتبر من متطلبات الماجستير ...

    مشكورة أختي بنت الصقور على المعلومااات يلي عطيتيني اياااها

    بس انا شفت بعض الجامعات يلي معترف فيها في التعليم العالي


    The University of Alabama
    Arkansas State University
    University of Arkansas
    Northern Arizona University
    The University of Arizona
    Arizona State University
    California State University - Fullerton
    California State University - Chico
    California State University – Los Angels
    California State University – Long Beach
    San Francisco State UniversitySan Diego State University
    University of Denver
    University of Northern Colorado
    University of Delaware
    University of South Florida
    University of Miami
    Iowa State University
    The University of Iowa
    Southern Illinois University
    Western Illinois University
    Illinois Institute of Technology
    DePaul University
    Idaho State University
    Indiana State University
    Ball State University
    Rose Hulman Institute of Technology
    Indiana University South Bend
    Tri State University
    Kansas State University
    The University of Kansas
    University of Louisville
    Western Kentucky UniversityKentucky State University
    Wentworth Institute of Technology
    University of St. Thomas
    Michigan State University
    Eastern Michigan UniversityUniversity of Maryland
    University of Missouri - Columbia
    University of Missouri – Kansas City
    University of Missouri – Rolla
    University of Missouri – St. Louis
    University of Central Missouri
    The University of MontanaUniversity of North Carolina
    University of Nebraska – Lincoln
    University of Nebraska – Omaha
    University of Nevada
    North Dakota State University
    University of Buffalo
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    New York Institute of Technology
    Ohio University
    The University of Toledo
    Bowling Green State University
    The University of Dayton
    Oklahoma City University
    South Eastern Oklahoma State University
    University of Central Oklahoma
    University of TulsaOregon State University
    Portland State University
    Southern Oregon University
    Pacific University
    Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
    University of South Carolina
    University of South Carolina - Upstate
    The University of Tennessee
    Tennessee Technology University
    Tennessee State University
    West Texas A & M University
    University of North Texas
    University of Texas – Arlington
    University of Texas – San Antonio
    University of Weber
    The University of Utah
    Utah State University
    Virginia Commonwealth UniversityVirginia State University
    University of Northern Virginia
    Western Washington University
    Central Washington University
    Gonzaga University
    Washington State University
    University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
    American University
    Nebraska Lincoln

    وانا والله مادري وش اختار من هل الجامعات

    اختي انا والله ماعندي خلفيه كبير في الجامعات الأمريكيه

    لكن يلي انا اعرفه ان الملحقية تعطينا سنة دراسة في المعهد التابع للجامعه وبعد نكمل دراستنا للماستر

    وبالنسبه للجيمات مااعرف عنها شيء

    غير اني اعرف التوفل يلي هوا حق اللغة

    عندك معلومات ياليت تفيذينا اكثر يالغاليه

    ومعليس بتعبك معي شوي والله يكتبها لك في صالح اعمالك

    وأسف لأني انشأة الموضوع في غير محله


    عازف الآهات

    فنادق عطلات

  4. #4
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    فيه ناس كثير نصحوني بولاية اوهايو ...!!

    فما بعرف هل هيا جيدة اولا

    وهل جامعات ممتازة ؟

    إذا كانت ممتازة ودي اعرف وش أفضل المعاهد حق اللغة يلي موجوده في اوهايو

    فنادق عطلات

  5. #5
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    بعض الجامعات ما تحتاج توفل ولا جيمات

    فنادق عطلات

  6. #6
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    ساهر ممكن تعطينا اسم او رابط هذي الجامعات يالغلا

    فنادق عطلات

  7. #7
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    وشى الجيمات
    وهل الجامعات اللى ماشترط التوفل و الجيمات معناها انها مو كويسه والا لا

    فنادق عطلات

  8. #8
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ودي اكمل دراستي في امريكا وودي رايكم

    Booklet for Virgin Tour to TibetTraveling Tibet is most people’s dream in their life. However, some preparation is necessary for your virgin tour to Tibet. http://www.pan-tibet.com To every alien tourist, Tibet Entry permit is a primary. For Tibet Entry permit, TTB (Tibet Tourism Bureau) does not accept any individual to apply for Tibet Entry permit, but only travel agencies are allowed to apply Tibet Entry permit for alien tourist. At the same time, TTB (Tibet Tourism Bureau) forbids travel agencies to provide Tibet Entry permit only service. Tibet Entry permit must be sold with tour itinerary, tour guide, transportation and accommodation.Next is to make a proper tour itinerary for your virgin tour to Tibet. However, it is not an easy work. If you want to get a thorough understanding of Tibet, you have to have a great amount of time. A good tour itinerary for your virgin tour to Tibet is to cover some ordinary scenery spots. You could first travel around the capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, Lhasa. The signature of Lhasa is the Potala Palace. At the same time, the Barkhor Street, the Jokhang Temple, the Norbulingka Garden, the Sera Monastery, and the Drepund Monastery are all the famous spots well worth visiting.http://www.windhorsetour.comAfter the tour in Lhasa, three other ordinary tour itineraries are recommended:Firstly is the tour to Lake Namtso. The distance between Lake Namtso and Lhasa is not very far. However, if you want to do the tour within one day, you have to drive on for about 8 to 9 hours. But it is a good idea to overnight at the lake side enjoying the beautiful sunrise and sun set. Because the altitude of Lake Namtso is about 4700 meters, it will be a huge challenge to your health to have a night at Namtso. Second tour itinerary is from Lhasa to Nyingchi. Spending two days, you could finish the ordinary scenery spots such as the Basum Lake Scenic Zone. However, if you have one day more, you could go to the Lunang forest which is called the Swiss in Tibet. There, you could enjoy the tranquil holy mountain Namjagbarwa. Along the way to Lunang forest, you could have a close look at the Niyang River and the grandest Canyon, Brahmaputra Grand Canyon.http://www.travelwestchina.com/The third tour itinerary is to the “World Third Pole” Mt. Everest. This tour itinerary will go from Shigatse and Tingri to Mt. Everest Base Camp. In Shigatse, you could visit Tashilungpo Monastery which is known as one of the four monasteries of Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism and Zongshan Anti-British Battle Ruins in Gyantse. However, your final destination is the base camp of Mt. Everest. There, the splendid Mt. Everest will stand in front of you. Meanwhile, you could enjoy the sunrise at the Rongbu Monastery. What’s more, walk to Rongbu Monastery from Tingri will bring you much fun.These three tour itineraries are the good choice for your virgin tour to Tibet. If the train ticket to Tibet is available, taking the train to Tibet is the best choice. Sitting on the Tibet train, enjoying the unique scenery along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and watching the Tibetan antelope will leave you unforgettable memory.Another psychological preparation for your Tibet tour is the lack of oxygen on high altitude. Different people have different high altitude reaction. However, one or two day acclimatization is necessary. Rest in the hotel, do not do serious sport and do not bathe are the way to acclimatize to the high altitude. If you got serious high altitude sickness, breath some pure oxygen is usually a common way to deal with it. But, do not overdo that. If you are addicted to the oxygen, you could not do without it on the high altitude. However, normally, one will get used to high altitude after half-day acclimatization.http://www.pan-tibet.com

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