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الموضوع: طلاب المستوى الثاني Elementary

  1. #121
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Thanks for your presence , dear students

    solving exercises give you great impression

    for lesson's understanding and you will discovere some things seem

    easy but once you launch in answer obstacle you

    and you will overcome that by inquiries and discussion

    hope every body consider that

    فنادق عطلات

  2. #122
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    iam here........

    فنادق عطلات

  3. #123
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    He is caring me now---correct
    He is careing me now

    Create two sentences contain verbs with ING

    He is doing his exercise
    We are attending the session of project

    Use…she/he as subjects
    She is a good weman
    He is a watching a movies

    Make a proper question

    She is staying at five stars hotel

    Where is she staying?

    Make a question for the under line

    They are visiting national museum

    What are they visiting?

    thank you for this exercise

    فنادق عطلات

  4. #124
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    He is caring me now---correct

    He cares me


    Create two sentences contain verbs with ING

    I am reading story at the moment

    Sara is washing dishes now

    Use…she/he as subjects

    She is having dinner now
    He is sleeping in living room

    Make a proper question

    She is staying at five stars hotel

    Where is she staying now ?

    Make a question for the under line

    They are visiting national museum
    what are they visiting ?


    فنادق عطلات

  5. #125
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    these verbs might help you to

    create complete sentences contain
    modal verb

    I can not read english quickly

    phrasal verb
    Ali turn back from travel


    verb with S

    Ahmad watches Tv every day

    verb without S

    I watch funny drama
    I am sorry
    I know let
    but I was trying understand the lesson

    فنادق عطلات

  6. #126
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة smartman777

    He is caring me now---correct
    He is careing me now

    Create two sentences contain verbs with ING

    He is doing his exercise
    We are attending the session of project

    Use…she/he as subjects
    She is a good weman
    He is a watching a movies

    Make a proper question

    She is staying at five stars hotel

    Where is she staying?

    Make a question for the under line

    They are visiting national museum

    What are they visiting?

    thank you for this exercise

    he is careing me now

    remember the verbs that you can't form present continuous of them

    ثانيا/ الأفعال التي توضح انفعالات معينة

    Emotional state

    (love-like-appreciate-hate-dislike-care-envy-mind -fear

    so, we have to form the simple present tense instead present continuous tense

    he cares me

    She is a good woman

    you don't use verb with -ing

    He is a watching a movies

    you've done more than one mistake

    first one is adding A before the verb and that is impossible

    second one is adding A before plural nouns and that is impossible

    the correct is/ he is watching a movie

    thanks for your efforts....good work :24:

    فنادق عطلات

  7. #127
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة _Jasmin_


    He is caring me now---correct

    He cares me


    Create two sentences contain verbs with ING

    I am reading story at the moment

    STORY....what kind of story is it

    مانوع القصة لانعرفه...هل تتذكرين ادوات النكرة-التي تستخدم مع المفرد المعدود- اذا لم نحدد نوع القصة معناه قصة نكرة.

    لو كان جمع قصص لايلزم وضع ادوات نكرة مع الجمع

    فتكون صحيحة لو قلنا:

    I am reading a story now


    I am reading emotional story now

    هنا حددنا نوع القصة عاطفية لذا لايلزم وضع اداة نكرة لانها عرفت بانها قصة عاطفية اي قصة معرفة

    I am reading stories now

    هنا جمع لايلزم وضع اداة نكرة مع الجمع

    Sara is washing dishes now

    Use…she/he as subjects

    She is having her dinner now

    the sentence is correct now

    we've specified dinner kind

    He is sleeping in living room

    Make a proper question

    She is staying at five stars hotel

    Where is she staying now ?

    Make a question for the under line

    They are visiting national museum
    what are they visiting ?


    A mazing jasmine you've understood lesson

    mashallah :113: :113:

    فنادق عطلات

  8. #128
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة _Jasmin_


    these verbs might help you to

    create complete sentences contain
    modal verb

    I can not read english quickly

    phrasal verb

    Ali turn back from travel

    the phrasal verbs are attached by up ,off, on ,in ......etc

    the correct sentence is Ali turns light off


    verb with S

    Ahmad watches TV every day

    verb without S

    I watch funny drama
    I am sorry
    I know late
    but I was trying to understand the lesson

    I suppose to not correct you because too late and we've launched

    in next lesson but I have seen these mistakes I can't ignore them

    so, please next time if you have any questions before next lesson
    ask and that will be appreciated

    by the way , you focus on lesson very well

    happy to see your answers are marvelous :113: :113:

    فنادق عطلات

  9. #129
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    thank you Mr : the old kid

    She is having her dinner now

    the sentence is correct now

    we've specified dinner kind

    If I said :
    She is having the dinner now
    correct ?

    فنادق عطلات

  10. #130
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة _Jasmin_

    thank you Mr : the old kid

    If I said :
    She is having the dinner now
    correct ?

    the same dinner that she eats every day.....correct

    فنادق عطلات

  11. #131
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    past simple tense
    زمن الماضي البسيط

    الزمن الذي يدل على حدث حدث بالماضي وانتهى للأبد

    وله صيغة واحدة فقط
    HE—SHE…IT….YOU…THEY…WE…I + verbs in simple past

    S + v in simple past

    They skated yesterday
    هم تزلجوا بالأمس.

    التزلج حدث ماضي وانتهى مع يوم الأمس لذا استخدمنا الماضي عند الحديث

    Some verbs regular you just add –ed
    بعض الأفعال أفعال منتظمة أي لاتضيف إلا ed في نهاية الجملة


    Irregular verbs that the form of verbs change

    النوع الثاني من الأفعال شاذ أي يتغير شكل الفعل في الزمن الماضي كالتالي

    The helping verb (auxiliary verb) is did
    الفعل المساعد

    In past tense
    في زمن الماضي يتم تحويل

    How to form a question
    كيف تعمل سؤال؟
    Did + infinitive verb + complete sentence

    Did they skate last day

    Yes , they did or no ,they didn't
    إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم أو لا
    وفيه طريقة أخرى لعمل السؤال هي

    Was he a teacher?

    Yes, he was

    Specified answer
    Where /when /why…etc + did or was/were…….

    They went to big store last night
    Where did they go last night?
    الفعل بعد did لابد مجرد

    He was at a university
    Where was he
    وجد was لذا تم استخدامه

    How to make a negative

    Didn't + v infinitive

    Writing skills for adding-ed

    If the verbs ended by Y check the vowel's letters same in present simple in adding S rules

    If the verbs ended by E just add D
    Adding –ed in other cases same adding ING

    وهذه بعض الأفعال الشاذة لو يتم حفظها و حفظ معانيها أفضل تستفيد كلمات جديدة.

    وهذا قاموس للافعال الشاذة ترجمة وتصريف لايعمل مع الافعال المنتظمة ,,,قم بتحميله الان.


    Browse this link to practice on the lesson

    tell me every thing happened with you



    THE OLD KID :101:

    فنادق عطلات

  12. #132
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    sorry! I will be out of here for 5 or 4 days, there are some circumstances

    obstacle me hope that I back soon

    up to that date, be safe God guards you all

    king regard

    the old kid

    فنادق عطلات

  13. #133
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Hello Mr. the old kid
    Sorry to hear that, I hope every thing is ok
    We will miss you
    Meanwhile I will download Irregular_Verbs_Dictionary, solve the quiz and study the new lesson
    Take care and hope you'll be back soon

    :icon_flow WishfuL :icon_flow

    فنادق عطلات

  14. #134
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am present

    فنادق عطلات

  15. #135
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am present

    Allah with you Mr. the old kid

    فنادق عطلات

  16. #136
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Browse this link to practice on the lesson

    tell me every thing happened with you


    Simple Past Tense Quiz

    1 I went to the mall after school.

    2 My brother saw a bear an hour ago.

    3 Did Mike visit his grandmother last night?

    4 Alex did not worked last weekend.
    right : work

    5 Were Judy and Liz at last month's

    6 We were not happy after the sad ending.

    7 Did you see Jody's new dog yesterday?

    8 Sorry, I didn't hear you at the door.

    9 I studied English for two years.

    10 What did you eat for lunch yesterday?

    فنادق عطلات

  17. #137
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Simple Past Tense Quiz

    .I went to the mall after school

    .My brother saw a bear an hour ago

    ?Did Mike visit his grandmother last night

    .Alex did not work last weekend

    ?Were Judy and Liz at last month's meeting

    .We were not happy after the sad ending

    ?Did you see Jody's new dog yesterday

    .Sorry, I didn't not hear you at the door

    .I studied English for two years

    ?What did you eat for lunch yesterday

    فنادق عطلات

  18. #138
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Hi teacher

    I studied the lesson, it was easy and Understandable. And the irregulal verbs list, I know almost half of them but, I still have to study the rest . I downloaded the irregular verbs dictionary it's easy to use and useful, I like it so much and may ALLAH bless the designer for the dictionary

    فنادق عطلات

  19. #139
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    1 I went to the mall after school.
    2 My brother saw a bear an hour ago.
    3 Did Mike visit his grandmother last night?
    4 Alex did not work last weekend.
    5 Were Judy and Liz at last month's meeting?
    6 We did not happy after the sad ending.
    7 Did you see Jody's new dog yesterday?
    8 Sorry, I didn't hear you at the door.
    9 I studied English for two years.
    10 What did you eat for lunch yesterday?

    thank you.

    فنادق عطلات

  20. #140
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    On the basis of special circumstances I ‘d like to walk out from the training program. I was really enjoying joining the training program.

    Thank you all.

    فنادق عطلات

  21. #141
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am here

    thanks a lot for every one I have appreciated you concern all

    tomorrow will be next lesson

    may Allah bless you all

    فنادق عطلات

  22. #142
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    WelcoMe BacK

    We Are Ready For The Next LessoN

    فنادق عطلات

  23. #143
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    Past continuous tense
    Past progressive tense

    الزمن الذي يشير إلى فعل أو حدث مستمر في الماضي
    الفرق بينه وبين المضارع المستمر أن المضارع لازال الحدث في الحاضر أم الماضي المستمر الحدث في الماضي



    S +was + v-ing

    He was watching an athlete program
    كان يشاهد برنامج رياضي-ومازال ذلك الحين في الماضي

    Was not…wasn't

    Forming a question

    WAS + S + V-ING + complete sentence

    Was he watching an athlete program


    S + WERE + V-ING

    They were playing basketball
    كانوا يلعبون كرة سله


    Were not….weren't

    Forming a question

    WERE + S + V-ING + complete sentence

    Were they playing basketball

    أحيانا ندمج الماضي البسيط مع الماضي المستمر ونستخدم while أو نكتفي بذكر الزمن الماضي

    While you called, I was looking for my mobile
    عندما اتصلت كنت ابحث عن جوالي

    I was praying, while you knocked the door

    كنت أصلي عندما طرقت الباب

    وهنا في المثال التالي بدون الماضي البسيط عدا ذكر الزمن الماضي

    At summer last year I was training

    وفي الختام يجب ان لاننسى الأفعال التي ليصاغ منها المضارع المستمر فهي كذلك مع الماضي المستمر


    Browse this link and enjoy the past continuous tense quizzes



    THE OLD KID :101:

    فنادق عطلات

  24. #144
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am here ************************

    فنادق عطلات

  25. #145
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Welcome back Mr.the old kid

    and I am present

    Please find my answers:

    1 My brother and sister are was were - playing tennis at 11am yesterday.
    2 Were Are Was - you still working at 7pm last night?
    3 At 8.30am today I was am were - driving to work.
    4 We was weren't won't - sleeping at 11pm.
    5 Why was does were - he having lunch at 4pm?
    6 I was meeting John in town yesterday. He shopped.
    7 Mary was waiting for me when I arrived.
    8 Was he had a shower when I called?
    9 I wasn't konwing what to say when he asked that.
    10 The telephone rang while - we was watching TV.

    فنادق عطلات

  26. #146
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Welcome back Mr.the old kid


    1 My brother and sister were playing tennis at 11am yesterday.

    2 Were you still working at 7pm last night?

    3 At 8.30am today I was driving to work.

    4 We weren't sleeping at 11pm.

    5 Why was he having lunch at 4pm?

    I met John in town yesterday. He was visiting your friend .6

    7 Mary was waiting for me when I arrived

    8 he was having ashower when I ate

    9 I did not know what to say when he asked

    10 The telephone rang when we were watching TV .

    فنادق عطلات

  27. #147
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Good Morning


    .My brother and sister were playing tennis at 11am yesterday

    ? Were you still working at 7pm last night

    .At 8.30am today I was driving to work

    .We weren't sleeping at 11pm

    ? Why was he having lunch at 4pm

    .I met John in town yesterday. He was shopping

    .Mary was waiting for me when I arrived

    ? He was having a shower when I called

    .I did not know what to say while he asked that

    .The telephone rang while we were watching TV

    فنادق عطلات

  28. #148
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    thanks for presence and answering quizzes

    to check the correct answer in same page at right you will find

    click for answer

    keep on going on

    فنادق عطلات

  29. #149
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    Simple tense
    زمن المستقبل


    He/she/it/I/they/you/we……will or BE+ going to
    الفعل المساعد will أو going to


    They will visit me tomorrow
    سوف يزوروننا غدا

    I am going to study law
    سوف ادرس القانون

    he is going to open a big store

    The verbs after will and going to should be infinitive verbs

    الأفعال بعد will &going to أفعال مجردة

    When we should use will and going to
    متى نستخدم كل من will & going to

    Going to something sure and planned already
    شيء مؤكد ومخطط له مسبقا كما في المثال الثاني

    Will a desire to do something

    الرغبة في عمل شيء معين

    الكلمات الدالة على المستقبل:


    next day ,month....etc

    Browse this link to practice on the lesson


    Out of lesson

    خارج الدرس
    He has nice eyes
    لديه عينان رائعتين

    She has two kids
    لديها طفلان

    It has pretty color
    لديها لون رائع-جذاب


    معها نستخدم has

    You have a break at 9 o'clock pm
    عندك-لديك- موعد عند التاسعة مساء

    They have a party by Monday

    We have meeting today

    I have naughty brother

    You/they/we/I …have

    نستخدم have


    For: a period of time which the activity has taken.

    الفترة الزمنية التي استغرقها النشاط
    I have been here for 30 minutes.
    لقد كنت هنا لمدة 30 دقيقة

    Since: a point in time when activity began.
    فترة من الزمن تصف متى النشاط بدأ

    I have lived in Dubai since 1980.
    لقد عشت في دبي منذ 1980

    The verbs after HAS/HAVE in past participle

    الافعال يجب ان تكون بالصيغة الثالثة بعد has/have

    Visit the link and do more


    To know uses of since and for visit down link



    best wishes:24:

    the old kid

    فنادق عطلات

  30. #150
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am present

    and I am ready for the Exam

    But How many lessons are involving in Exam?

    thank you

    فنادق عطلات

  31. #151
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am present , and I answered the quizzes

    فنادق عطلات

  32. #152
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    Do we have to write the answers here, or it's enough to answer it there

    فنادق عطلات

  33. #153
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am here


    فنادق عطلات

  34. #154
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    thanks for being here

    the last five lessons will be included in exam

    the answers enough over there the moral is practice on the lesson

    be well

    فنادق عطلات

  35. #155
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Mr.the old kid

    Can you postpone the exam from Thursday to other day in the next week?

    because I have trip.

    thank you.

    فنادق عطلات

  36. #156
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة smartman777

    Mr.the old kid

    Can you postpone the exam from Thursday to other day in the next week?

    because I have trip.

    thank you.

    so sorry to hear that from you

    it is very difficult to postpone it because we are bit late in lessons

    we want as much as we can forward in lessons to get more benefit

    have a nice trip god with you

    فنادق عطلات

  37. #157
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]the exam has submitted and hope you all best

    as usual after every exam , please feel free to answer these


    I am very excited to see your answers and sugesions

    1. do you feel that the lessons improve your lang.uage

    2.up to now ,did the lessons satisfy you from all sides

    the methods and explaining

    3.what more you want learn

    note: our next lessons are vocabulary , conversation , reading and writing

    it is very precious to me to get your statements

    فنادق عطلات

  38. #158
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Good Evening

    The lessons were easy and useful so far
    in another way so far so good
    I am looking forward for the next lessons
    vocabulary, conversation, reading and writing skills

    I have many problems in my english l.anguage
    the main one is that I can't make sentence
    I have plenty of english words, but I do not know how to use them Properly

    I need you to help me with my problem, Please

    Thanks Alot

    فنادق عطلات

  39. #159
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful

    The exam just to check your understanding, so try to do your best

    Create from that verb the following
    1. Sentence in present simple tense
    He fights his enemy

    2. sentence in Present continuous tense
    4. the rich men are fighting the starving in Africa at present

    5. Sentence in simple past
    6. He fought for peaceful world
    4. Sentence contains modal verb
    The virus with the time may fight a whole our cells

    Do as shown between brackets
    1.he is realizing that the opening show(correct )

    He realizes that the opening show

    2.he may visits me(correct)

    He may visit me

    3.the boy turn off light(rewrite the sentence)

    The boy turns light off

    4.I have been here for/since three years(choose)

    I have been here for three years

    5.Ahmed purchase a car(correct)

    Ahmed purchases a car

    6.while you(call) me , I was (pray) at mosque (put the verbs in correct way)

    While you called me , I was praying at mosque

    7.they (are going to/will) attend derby match next month (choose)

    They are going to attend derby match next month

    Choose the correct
    1.my son … Watches …. A cartoon movie
    Watches/watched/is watching

    2.last year the audience … thrown …. Over the play ground
    Throw/thrown/ was throwing

    3. At same time last year he… was subscribed …..at an athlete club
    Is subscribe/subscribed/was subscribed

    4.They… Have.. a cute sunglasses

    Make proper question

    1.the girl gave her brother a gift

    What did the girl give her brother?

    2.he writes a text message

    What does he write?

    3.they are going to visit the library

    What are they going to visit?

    the mistakes are your guidance to correct way so , don't let them get you down :113: :113:

    فنادق عطلات

  40. #160
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة WishfuL

    Good Evening

    The lessons were easy and useful so far
    in another way so far so good
    I am looking forward for the next lessons
    vocabulary, conversation, reading and writing skills

    I have many problems in my english l.anguage
    the main one is that I can't make sentence
    I have plenty of english words, but I do not know how to use them Properly

    I need you to help me with my problem, Please

    Thanks Alot

    IN my opinion you are doing great if you check this comment I mean yours

    you will find complete text correct with correct grammar

    as for a lot of words that you know and you do know how to use them

    the main problem is we are not talking English in several times to remember

    that vocabulary I think the correct way is reading and writing additional

    to take an Arabic essay or text then convert it to English the vocabulary

    will appear with many times doing that you'll improve...just try it :11

    فنادق عطلات

  41. #161
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    قلب طفله

    your score is 10 of 18

    you need to focus on

    how to make questions, the tense and the complete sentence talks about what

    modal verbs

    using of will and going to

    revise them will then you will see your mistakes

    well done although these mistakes at least you tried :24:


    your score is 13 of 18

    you need to focus on

    modal verbs

    present simple tense
    present continuous tense

    the verb that should not add -ing in present continuous and

    past continuous look at wishful answer

    more than great keep your efforts up
    :x1: :x1:


    your score is 14 of 18

    you need to focus on

    present simple tense

    using of will and going to

    marvelous keep up
    :113: :113:

    all of you did not consider the verb fight so I consider the correct

    sentences even no attachment the limited verb

    going to

    تستخدم لعمل شيء مخطط له من قبل كما في المثال:

    they are going to attend derby match next month

    عارفين موعد المباراة ومقرريين الذهاب لها الشهر القادم


    تستخدم للرغبة في عمل شيء

    he will visit me

    looking forward to seeing you all have a bright future


    فنادق عطلات

  42. #162
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Great my colleagues. Good job :24:

    Mr. the old kid, What about me, how do you evaluate me?:110:

    فنادق عطلات

  43. #163
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة smartman777

    Great my colleagues. Good job :24:

    Mr. the old kid, What about me, how do you evaluate me?:110:

    I hope that you see your level when you try to solve that exam

    next exam you will join

    فنادق عطلات

  44. #164
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب



    This lesson has assigned to increase your vocabulary outcome
    The best way for the verbs memorizing save verbs with past simple and past participle

    أفعال تدل على وظائف العقل

    Mental state
    Know***knew***known يعرف








    -doubt***doubted***doubted—b is silentيشك




    Prefer***preferred***preferred يفضل


    الأفعال التي توضح انفعالات معينة

    Emotional state


    -like***liked***likedيرغب-يحب شيء






    -mind***minded***minded يمانع-يهتم ل


    أفعال تدل على الملكية


    -have***had***had يحوز, يملك



    أفعال الحواس الخمس

    Sense perception






    أفعال أخرى تدل على حال معين وعدم الاستمرارية





    Owe***owed***owed-يدين له بشيء




    -consist of***consisted of***consisted ofيتكون من

    - contain***contained***containedيتكون


    The most common 500 words in English but most of them known to us

    Let's scan them and pick the new words up


    to practice on pronunciation download alwafi translator




    فنادق عطلات

  45. #165
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am here

    thank you

    فنادق عطلات

  46. #166
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Good Morning

    فنادق عطلات

  47. #167
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب



    Use English lang.uage wherever you go at any time, no matter to whom you talk

    مارس اللغة حيثما ذهبت و في كل وقت لا يهم مع من تحدث

    Be confident, as long as you can use words and expression that you know they are correct
    كن واثق من نفسك واستخدم كلمات وتعبيرات التي تعرف أنها صح

    Use your expression and vocabulary in new situation they will be imprinted and let who knows better than you correct you once you talk
    في المواقف الجديدة استخدم عبارات و كلمات وستبقي راسخة بذهنك واسأل من يعرف اللغة أفضل منك يصحح لك عند ما تتحدث

    Try to understand the key words not every single word, don't let the one who in front of you feel you are confused
    حاول فهم الكلمات الدالة علي الشيء المتحدث عنه ولا تحاول تتبع كل مفردة لوحدها لكي لا تجعل من هو أمامك يشعر بأنك مرتبك

    Don't translate from English to your main lang.uage-during talking- it will take long time, lack your fluent and make you hesitated

    لاتترجم من اللغة الانجليزية إلى لغة الأم لأنه سيفقده الطلاقة في الحديث ويستغرق وقت طويل مما يجعلك متردد

    If you forgot a word make as native speakers doing say well,….let me see….better than silence
    إذا نسيت كلمة اعمل كما يعمل المتحدثون الرسميون باللغة فيقولون حسنا ودعني أرى بدلا من الصمت

    Don't forget polite request as please,……would you

    لا تنسى عند الطلب أن تطلب مهذب

    Don't be shy and don't care about other comments

    لا تخجل و لا تهتم لتعليقات الآخرون

    Make a special notebook to write down every new word you pick up or read or heard

    اعمل مذكرة لتكتب فيها أي كلمة جديدة حصلت عليها أو قرأتها أو سمعتها


    Additional to these websites and program

    BBC website, listen to the news through radio in English lan.guage********


    The spleak's email .just add here to your contact in hotmail them begin chatting normally
    مع ميزة وهي عند الخطأ تلمح لك عن وجود خطأ

    [email protected]

    مثل الايميل السابق فقط إضافة وابدأ

    [email protected]t

    برنامج المحادثة مع الكمبيوتر وميزته لايحتاج الى اتصال انترنت


    Best wishes

    The old kid

    فنادق عطلات

  48. #168
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Thank you for your tips

    I suggest one idea

    All the grammars rule still not clear to me because I need to practice it.
    So, another good practice rather than speaking is writing.
    I suggest specifying two to three grammars in one week. Then write paragraph about some thing.
    Fro example, let us choose will/going to. Write paragraph about plan of the future:
    I will complete my studying to get postgraduate of master. I going to married next year. I will buy house after 5 months.

    Thank you again.

    فنادق عطلات

  49. #169
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة smartman777

    Thank you for your tips

    I suggest one idea

    All the grammars rule still not clear to me because I need to practice it.
    So, another good practice rather than speaking is writing.
    I suggest specifying two to three grammars in one week. Then write paragraph about some thing.
    Fro example, let us choose will/going to. Write paragraph about plan of the future:
    I will complete my studying to get postgraduate of master. I am going to married next year. I will buy house after 5 months.

    Thank you again.

    thanks for your good idea

    the grammar lessons not yet over there are lots in waiting

    I am planning to do that in next exam

    additional to an Arabic essay to convert it to English and certainly

    you will use all grammar you have ever known

    but don't forget the speaking and writing are very essential

    good luck :24:

    فنادق عطلات

  50. #170
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Good Morning All


    I agree with smartman777 about the grammer lessons

    I have an opinion
    How about having short grammer quizes twice a week
    so we can practice all the grammer we know

    I know it's an extra work for you Mr. the old kid
    .we appreciates all your efforts Mr

    Additional to the grammers we also need reading & writing

    Thank You

    فنادق عطلات

  51. #171
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة WishfuL

    Good Morning All


    I agree with smartman777 about the grammer lessons

    I have an opinion
    How about having short grammer quizes twice a week
    so we can practice all the grammer we know

    I know it's an extra work for you Mr. the old kid
    .we appreciates all your efforts Mr

    Additional to the grammers we also need reading & writing

    Thank You

    make sure that I am trying all the best for you all

    for that I will delay writing skills and reading lessons

    and I will give you websites to practice on your lessons and grammars

    whatever you need I am here


    فنادق عطلات

  52. #172
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    Moving without transport
    الانتقال بدون وسيلة نقل

    Moving with transport
    الانتقال بوسائل النقل
    Go by

    Do not say by a car or by a bus don't use a direct car or …etc

    by car.....he came by car

    عند استخدام ضمير لانستخدم اطلاقاby

    I come in my car

    he came in his car

    We say
    You ride a horse / cycle / motorbike and a bike
    يمتطي خيل أو.......
    حيث لايصح إن نقول:
    You ride a bus
    You take a bus / train / taxi and you take the underground
    يأخذ باص أو ......

    You drive a car / bus and train
    يقود سيارة أو ........

    The pilot flies a plane
    يحلق بالطائرة

    The plane arrived early at Hithrow
    نستخدم في المكان at بدلا من to

    عند ذكر مثال يجب إن تطبقه على الأشياء الأخرى حيث انه ليس حصري بهذا الموقف مثلا

    We arrived to our city at late time…..incorrect

    We arrived at our city at late time….correct.

    Be well


    The old kid

    فنادق عطلات

  53. #173
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    hi all
    i am here

    فنادق عطلات

  54. #174
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am here....

    فنادق عطلات

  55. #175
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Hey ever body

    Hope you spent great week end and enjoyed it

    with the suggestions and opinions of you

    here I have got a very useful book -English vocabulary in use,elementary

    and want you all sharing me

    to practice on the lessons and grammars which explained,the book is really

    precious every body advised to download it


    under your wish.smartman777 and wishful

    your comments are very important about this book

    so,please feel free to mention them

    king regard:101:

    فنادق عطلات

  56. #176
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب


    Things we do everyday

    أشياء نعملها كل يوم –أشياء روتينية

    Wake up

    Go to bathroom

    Have a shower

    Have a breakfast

    Listening or watching the news

    Go to work

    Come home

    Make lunch

    Phone-call- friends

    Watch TV

    Go to bed

    Wash clothes

    Clean the house

    Go for walking or playing

    Revising the lessons


    Drink coffee or tea


    How often do you …clean the house?…….
    السؤال عن كيفية العمل
    كيف عادة تنظف البيت؟

    I usually clean it at sun shines

    عادة أنظفه عند الشروق

    وهكذا بقية الأشياء على نفس الطريقة

    What time usually do you…watch TV…?
    السؤال عن الزمن

    متى عادة تشاهد التلفاز

    I normally watch it at 8 o'clock pm
    عند الساعة الثامنة مساء عادة أشاهد التلفاز
    وبقية الأشياء نفس الشيء

    How do you go to…work…..?

    السؤال عن طريقة الذهاب
    كيف تذهب إلى العمل

    I usually go in my car

    وهكذا بقية الأشياء التي يمكن الذهاب إليها

    What do they usually do?
    السؤال عن شيء غير محدد من القائمة التي بالأعلى

    They usually fishing

    The answer should contain usually or normally

    What can you have?
    ماعندك او مالديك

    You can have

    A lunch

    A dinner

    A breakfast

    A party

    A lesson

    A cup of tea or coffee

    A shower

    What you have today?
    ماذا لديك اليوم؟

    I have a party
    عندي حفلة

    Have to
    يجب أن

    You have to care your parents

    يجب ان تعتني بوالديك

    In case of invitation
    في حالة الدعوة

    عند دعوة شخص لشرب القهوة أو الشاي أو الغداء أو العشاء تقول

    Have some tea with me

    Have a lunch with us today

    Have a nice day ahead

    :24: The old kid

    فنادق عطلات

  57. #177
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    Hi All

    I will download the book then I will write my comments

    Mr. the old kid
    I am sorry because I don't study the lessons, becuse I am very very busy these days in my work and really don't have much time for the school
    But if ALLAH wills I will study as much as I can

    I hope you will accept my apology

    Thank You

    فنادق عطلات

  58. #178
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    I am present

    thank you

    فنادق عطلات

  59. #179
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: طلاب

    good evening

    I am present

    فنادق عطلات

+ الرد على الموضوع
صفحة 3 من 3 الأولىالأولى 123

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. طلاب المستوى الرابع Intermediate
    بواسطة Robot في المنتدى بوابة تعليم اللغات واللهجات العالمية
    مشاركات: 47
    آخر مشاركة: 02-03-2015, 11:40 AM
  2. طلاب المستوى الثالث Pre-intermediate
    بواسطة Robot في المنتدى بوابة تعليم اللغات واللهجات العالمية
    مشاركات: 168
    آخر مشاركة: 02-03-2015, 11:39 AM
  3. الى طلاب الصين الثلاثاء مابعد القادم حوار ومشورة من غير طلاب الصين
    بواسطة Robot في المنتدى بوابة البعثات مبتعث في الخارج
    مشاركات: 10
    آخر مشاركة: 02-02-2015, 04:48 PM
  4. طلاب جامعة أرجوا المساعدة طلاب الطب بالصين
    بواسطة Robot في المنتدى الصين هونج كونج المسافرون العرب دليلك السياحه و التجاره
    مشاركات: 5
    آخر مشاركة: 01-22-2015, 04:17 AM



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