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الموضوع: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

  1. #1
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    احبتي انا ضيف جديد في منتداكم واتشرف بكم

    اليوم حبيت احجز لجزيرة بالي وبعد البحث وجدت رحلة على خطوط بتافيا
    والمصيبة اني قمت بالحجز والتأكيد ودفع المبالغ بالفيزا لمدينة اسمها BalikPapan

    اتصلت على خطوط بتافيا والموظف لايعرف لانجليزي ولا عربي
    وبعد محاولات فهمت انه لايستطيع الغاء الحجز وان خطوط بتافيا لا تسيير رحلات الى بالي

    المبلغ 772 دولار كيف استرجعها

    ياليت احد يساعدني والله اني في حيره

    مواضيع عشوائيه ممكن تكون تعجبك اخترناها لك:

    فنادق عطلات

  2. #2
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    الله يعينك أخي الحبيب ماجد على هذا الخطأ الكبير
    و بالنسبة لي ليس لي أي خلفية حول كيفية استعادة
    المبلغ , لأنني لا أستخدم الفيزا في حجوزاتي ..

    أتمنى أن يشاركنا أحد الأحباب و الخبراء , و الذين
    دائما ما يستخدمون الفيزا في حجوزاتهم ..

    أسأل الله أن ييسر أمرك , و أن ينهي هذه المشكلة على خير

    فنادق عطلات

  3. #3
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    الطائر الجريح
    شكراً لك ياغالي واتمنى ان يكون هذا درس لي ولغيري

    والحمدلله على كل حال
    المبلغ ماهو بسيط والله واتمنا ان يساعدوني الاخوان في حل المشكللة

    فنادق عطلات

  4. #4
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    انسخ شروط الحجز اخوي وحطها هنا
    اذا فيه ثغرة نقدر نستقلها بنشوف

    فنادق عطلات

  5. #5
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    حياك الله يامبارك

    هذه الشروط وان شاء الله تقدرون تساعدوني فيها

    TERMS AND CONDITIONS(1). The agreement of air transportation based on the Indonesian Aviation Ordinance (1939/100), the Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 1 /2009 about aviation, the Pronouncement of the Minister of Transportation no. 77/2011, the Juncto Regulation of the Minister of Transportation no. 92/2011 about the airline operator responsibility. (2). Check-in and boarding passenger is obligated to show the electronic ticket (e-ticket) with a booking code, name as well as travel route. In addition, giving the same proof of identity in the form of ID card or passport in time of check in at the airport is a must as well. We have no liabilities for any loss or impositions arising from your fault in complying with check-in boarding time limit. (3). A refusal and cancellation over check-in process as well as booking can be prevailed if you fail to give identification conforming to your personality or fail to identify yourself as stated in ID card or passport. (4). In case of credit card use via B2C (Online Reservation/Website), name listed on credit card must be able to produce credit card during check-in process. In case you fail to produce physic of your credit card, we are entitled to refuse you from getting in the airplane/being onboard. (5). Check in process will be opened minimum 2 hours prior to departure of the scheduled flight and counter will be closed 45 minutes before flight departure time. (6). Passenger should have been at the boarding gate after check-in at the latest 30 minutes prior to flight departure time. (7). We are not liable to any missing schedule due to passenger negligence and therefore, there is a charge for cancellation fee. (8). We are a point-to-point airline and have no responsibility to your continuous flight. We have no responsibility to your loss of continuous flight connection. (9). Cabin baggage allowed to be on board is only one that not more than 56 cm X 36 cm X 23 cm dimension not more than 7 kg weight. (10). 20 kg free baggage for both domestic and international flight, except for some specific routes Batavia Air Terms and Conditions applied. (11). We are not liable to any loss of valuable goods such as money, jewelry, electronics, medicines, commercial paper, or other identification documents except any proof of our management fault. (12). All ticket purchased on Batavia Air can be refunded; refund period, refund fee and other charges according to the rules may be applied*.THE TICKET REGULATIONSCANCELLATION / REFUND :1. All Batavia Air tickets can be refund, re-booking or up-grade only for valid tickets based on the cancellation conditions and it can only be done in the representative offices.2. Valid ticket and ID card copy attachment is obligated in the refund process within 14 days from the processed date.INFANTS :1. Infant ticket validity complying the parents/adult rules and the age is not more than 23 months2. Medical certificate must be included for

    فنادق عطلات

  6. #6
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    مرحبا اخى الكريم
    حسب موقعهم انه فيه امكانيه للارجاع
    ولكن لابد ان تتم عن طريق مكاتبهم او وكلائهم
    وعلى حسب علمى انه يوجد لهم وكلاء فى جده والرياض
    وانصحك بمراجعتهم فورا

    1. All Batavia Air tickets can be refund, re-booking or up-grade only for valid tickets based on the cancellation conditions and it can only be done in the representative offices.
    2. Valid ticket and ID card copy attachment is obligated in the refund
    process within 14 days from the processed date

    هنا شروط الالغاء وكم نسبه الخصم وهى تعتمد كليا على نوع الكلاس اللى حاجز عليه
    مثلها مثل طيران ناس عندنا وان شاء الله حجزك مش على ال برومو

    Batavia Air Tickets Variation

    Eco Premium Class[ulist][*]No cancellation fee on Rebook Ticket though in case of having made up before the departure time. Then, 95 %cancellation fee of the basic fare on Rebook Ticket will be made up after check-in process.[*]IDR 100.000 for cancellation fee (conversion rate for foreign currency: 40 MYR, 80 RMB, 16 USD, 20 SGD, 50 SAR) onRefund Ticket will be made up at the latest or more than 48 hours from the departure schedule up to the ticket validity period.[*]Then, 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare on Refund Ticket will be made up less than or within 48 hours prior of departure time as printed on the ticket and 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be made up after check-in process.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]90 days of ticket validity period from the time and date of departure.[/ulist]Eco Medium Class[ulist][*]In case of cancellation, 25% of the basic fare will be charged on Rebook Ticket, if it is made up before the departure time at the latest. In addition, if Rebook Ticket is made up after check-in process, there will be 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare.[*]If Refund Ticket is made up from the departure time at the latest, 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged. Then, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be made up after check-in process.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]Ticket validity period within 60 days from the date of departure.[/ulist]Eco Budget Class[ulist][*]In case of Rebook Ticket is made up 48 hours at the latest or more than the departure time, 25% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged and 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare, if it is made up less than 48 hours. Then, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare on Rebook Ticket will be charged, if it is made up after check-in process.[*]If Refund Ticket is made up at the latest or more than 48 hours from the departure time, 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged and 75% cancellation fee of the basic fare, if it is made up less than 48 hours before the departure time. In addition, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be made up after check-in process.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]Ticket validity period within 14 days from the date of departure.[/ulist]Eco Promo Class[ulist][*]In case of Rebook Ticket is made up before or after check-in process, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged.[*]If Refund Ticket is made up before or after check-in process, there will be 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]Ticket validity period is at the time of the departure as printed on the ticket.[*]Process of Rebook Ticket and Refund Ticket must be made on the same day at the time of the departure.[/ulist]

    فنادق عطلات

  7. #7
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    لا تسميها مصيبة
    اذا ما استطعت الارجاع،،
    انت كمل على الرحلة ،، لكن توقف في جاكرتا ،، وتشتري لك تذكرة داخليه من جاكرتا الى بالي،، من الموبايل

    فنادق عطلات

  8. #8
    عضو مسجل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2014

    رد: ارجو المساعدة وقعت في مصيبة

    إن شاء الله خير وحاول التواصل معهم عبر موقعهم على الإنترنت من خلال هذا الرابط
    ووضح لهم الخطأ وسوف تلقى تجاوب وقد تحل المشكلة ولعلمك من خلال موقعهم توجد
    رحلات لبالي ومطار بالي يسمى Denpasar ..

    فنادق عطلات

+ الرد على الموضوع

المواضيع المتشابهه

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  3. وقعت في غلطة ارجو المساعدة
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  5. مشكلة كبيره جداً وقعت بها بسبب التأشيره الى ايطاليا النجده ارجو المساعده
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