أهلا وسهلا بك إلى المسافر السياحة و السفر.
أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، يسرنا ان تسجل معنا في اكبر مواقع السفر للتسجيل اضغط هنا

لمن يريد العلاج في الهند بنجلور نصائح هذا الشخص

الصورة الشخصية
عدد المشاركات: 1


سياحة وعلاج في الهند (بنجلور)

معلومات للعلاج في بنجلور الهندية

معلومات عامة عن ولاية كارناتكا وعاصمتها بنجلور الهندية وعن العلاج خاصة في بنجلور الهنديه ..

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

من باب الفائدة ولمن يريد العلاج في بنجلور الهنديه

نبذة بسيطة عن المنطقة:

مدينة بنجلور هي عاصمة ولاية “كارناتكا” التي تقع في جنوب غربها وهي تعد ثالث اكبر مدينة هندية. ويبلغ عدد سكانها قرابة 8 مليون نسمة. ويوجد بها عدة ديانات منها: الإسلام (الحمدلله), المسيحية والهندوسية. وهي من اجمل المدن في الهند من حيث الطبيعة والطقس والحضارة. والشئ الأهم انه لا توجد زحمة كبيرة وعدد كثير من الناس والجو الحار ك في مدينة نيودلهي و بمومباي وحيدر اباد.

وتعد مدينة بنجلور مركزا تكنولوجيا إذ تضم اكثر من 1500 شركة تكنولوجية. وهي مشهورة عالميا في مجال “الحاسوب” و”تقنية المعلومات” حتى ان كلا من شركة “ياهو” و “مايكروسوفت” لديها فروع هنا في مدينة بنجلور

خريطة الهند الكبرى ويرى منطقة بنجلور في الجنوب بين كيرلا والبحر

بخصوص التأشيره تطلع في نفس اليوم وتحتاج لصورتين بخلفيه بيضاء وكذلك لصوره من تذكرة السفر ومن حجز الفندق ( ممكن حجز الفندق يكون وهمي عن طريق مكتب سفريات ) قيمة التأشيره 250 ريالالأن سعودي نأتي ليوم الوصول لبنجلور ممكن تتفقون مع سائق أسمه زبيح الله وهو صاحب شركه وعنده مجموعه كبيره من السائقين والرجل أمين جدا ورقم هاتفه 00919141539029 اسعار التاكسي عادة من المطار للفندق حوالي 80 ريال سعودي وأما يومية السائق 1500 روبيه في اليوم ( 80 ريال سعودي ) للسياره الكبيره شامل الوقود والترجمه وأخذ المواعيد وكل شي من الألف الى الياء السياره الصغيره سعرها تقريبا 65 ريال سعودي في اليوم

مطار بنغلور الدولي

عن الطقس :

Of course the weather causes concern for many people who come to Bangalore. They think the atmosphere will be very hot, like in Hyderabad, New Delhi or Bombay, but the city of Bangalore is also rainy from June to September. It is cold (winter) from October to January. Then in February and March the weather is mild (neither hot nor cold). From April to early June, the weather is hot. (Sometimes the weather is mild in summer).


Housing I recommend apartment apartments apartment two rooms and a hall and two bathrooms and kitchen 3500 rupees

(SR 190)


(Prices may have varied, this talk has a year and Shaw).


Islamic restaurants are available in many, praise and praise for the high and high level and prices vary from one restaurant to another, but the good Indian restaurants, their prices are very cheap compared to the restaurant Lebanese, Iranian and others

We come for treatment:

I will list some of the best hospitals in Bangalore as follows:

Fortis Hospital

Apollo Hospital

Manibal Hospital

Ramayah Hospital

Vikram Hospital

Apply for treatment

Treatment is important and must be prepared before traveling.

– A medical report must be extracted stating the patient’s condition, for example:

Onset of disease, symptoms and complaint, if the disease is hereditary, the valleys that have been pre-treated, if the patient has been treated before and again suspected of symptoms and so on. So that doctors in the hospital can develop a treatment plan and how long the treatment will take.

This report must be issued by a hospital and be in English.

– Send a copy of this medical report a copy of the patient’s passport a personal photo of the patient to the hospital email. Within one to three days, the details of the treatment will be sent to the hospital for the purpose of obtaining a travel visa. .

– Usually after arriving at Bangalore airport I personally receive you and reserve the finest hotels and the cheapest prices according to the ability of the person and must be detailed by correspondence to make sure you get a comfortable place.

And for those who wanted to deal with ozone and cliché advised Dr. Ameen jealous because it is the best in this treatment and its excellent price and treatment is recognized and God willing.

The single ozone session is 1300 rupees (86 SAR)

The cliché session ranges from 3000 rupiah to 4000 rupiah (each session with different drugs and different prices)

Ozone therapy is useful for regenerating cells and eliminating new cancer tumors and many benefits (possible to see in Google)

The treatment of cliché is the foundation and all goes for the cliché because it opens the arteries and cleanses fat and prevents clots, hardening of the arteries and heart disease also restores the body’s old strength and activity through the blood flow strongly in the arteries

As well as reduces the proportion of cholesterol and sugar .. and a lot of benefits

There are many older people recovering within two weeks from Fadlallah.

Those suffering from arterial blockage need treatment for one month

For the treatment of joints and especially knees

There are two doctors named Shafak Ahmed, a Muslim and excellent

The second is called Aya Bass and also excellent

And the two graduated with some and were working alone, and then separated

And many who were on the chairs were walking after only one week of treatment and it is God’s power first and foremost.

But the advice after the doctor tells you about the price separated with him and went down a lot of price .. I mean, you say treatment treatment 130 thousand rupees and when you meet with the possible possible down to 85 to 90 thousand rubies and the price is considered Balash in return for the return of man walking and not operations thanks to God and mercy .

(Means treatment within SAR 6000)

And, of course, the treatment of the disc is cheaper in the range of 3000 Saudi riyals and within five days the pain goes away

For the doctor of the nose, ear and throat

In the most wonderful doctor named Chehab Ahmed, a peak in morality and honesty.

His number is 9845071156

And to treat eyes:

Dr. Rajesh

Dr. Shater and Kebir

The works of the new laser and a better type of Altrzik but it is safe and you are advised if you need a process or stay on the glasses for a certain period and have German lenses excellent for your eyes to give you a short and long.

Dental Treatment:

Dr. Medhoushdan is a dental surgeon who has more experience, excellent and good price

Or one Tiny name Dr. Mohamed Hassan Omar Dental surgery and implants have more experience and excellent and good price



Of course, Bangalore has many commercial complexes and most of them contain international brands and their prices are more expensive than the Gulf in most complexes because they have taxes.

But the spirit of a street called “Street Street” has its shops high priced and sweet


And to the amusement park I advise you to travel to the city (Wonder Wonder) summit in magnificence and contains water games and regular for adults and children and everything is wonderful and the games are all free and the entrance fee is about 50 SAR per person.

And you have the Ice Hall Summit in magnificence and near the center of the country and the entrance fee about 90 SAR per person.

Cash amounts:

With regard to the money you can take you Rubies from your country is normal allowed but the best you take a small amount and the rest turn him dollar and spend it there by the driver because the driver Bejib you the best price at all and possible to make sure of the price and the price of cashier there and Bacon is the best experience.

With wishes of Fahd Mnai to you health and wellness and spend the most beautiful times in Bangalore.


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